Jul 30, 2013


El camino del éxito

As you may know, I'm spanish. Por eso es por lo que he decidido escribir esta entrada en mi lengua materna, haciendo honor a la que se utiliza en el vídeo de arriba.
No tengo demasiado que añadir a lo que ha dicho Luzu. El éxito y el dinero suelen confundirse, para triunfar realmente tienes que dedicarle mucho tiempo y esfuerzo a una meta concreta y eso sólo se consigue si dicha meta te apasiona como nada en el mundo.
Se puede enfocar de muchas maneras; aunque él habla sobre todo pensando en el trabajo, yo tengo un problema en cuanto a decidirme, atreverme a hacer lo que sea y dar el salto. Llevo meses queriendo tatuarme y no lo hago, o pensando en ahorrar para una cámara de vídeo buena pero nada. Empiezo muchas historias pero apenas acabo alguna porque me da pereza y es más fácil buscar excusas. Y como esto, muchas otras cosas que me imagino que a vosotros también os pasarán.
Hay una frase de la que me he acordado mucho al escribir esta entrada, y es "Success is the best form of revenge", "el éxito es la mejor forma de vengarse". Me parece totalmente cierta para ser una persona poco vengativa, y aunque el estar aletargada todo el día me lo impida, espero conseguir algún día la fuerza de voluntad que necesito para empezar a buscar alguno de estos sabios momentos de locura.

Jul 23, 2013

The snitch

Golden snitch from Harry Potter

At first I was thinking of calling this entry "Painful tags - Part II", but my only desire now is to talk about snitches. The one on Harry's hand is bright, golden, beautiful. It is also elusive, which makes it valuable and desirable, but I did not decide to write about this little ball.
As I said before on a title of another entry, tags are painful. I wanted to focus on one especially rough, "snitch": when a person does something bad and a witness denounces it, the word suddenly pops out and everyone focuses on who was supposedly making things right. "You're a snitch!", the kids would say if one of their partners told the teacher some mischief.
Why does this happen? We admire people who gets to steal using the most complicated tricks, but say a word about that theft and you will immediatly be pointed out as the bad guy, more despicable than the original thief. If this continues, everyone will keep their mouths shut to avoid the feared tag, and this will lead to bad people doing bad things for free.
It shouldn't be this way.

Painful tags

"More than a bunch of letters"

Tags are more usual and common than we think. I believe everyone has tagged someone at least once in his/her life, but it is totally unfair for me. How dare you sum up an entire person to a single word? How dare we? A person is more than just "ugly", or "boring": there is one world for each person that surrounds us, one amazing, endless world full of stuff we would have never even imagined.
As always, there are two dimensions in this tagging thing: the bad and the "good".
The bad one consists on bullying, mostly. Look at those hundreds of movies with teenagers involved and the quarterback calling the main female character fat or ugly, if not worse things. In real life there is a lot of that, and unfortunately anti-bullying campaigns don't seem to progress on their purpose.
And then, there's the "good" one. It is more dangerous, because it's about people saying you are talented or smart. Apparently there is nothing wrong with being praised... apparently. The problem is when people put their expectations on the smart one, because if this person ends up being wrong or messing it up, the others will blame her or feel disappointed. And as these people's success is taken for granted, nobody will appreciate it whenever it happens.
If you had to carry one of these, what would that be: hater's insults or high expectations?

Jul 9, 2013

Words remain

"Take me beyond this land undone"

The song in the video is called Words Remain and sung by Josh Garrels. It seemed just peaceful to me, hearing only the guitar and his voice through those lyrics is something I could do for hours and hours without getting tired of it.
I must say I consider myself an atheist, though. Someone willing to read what Garrels says in this song will quickly realize it has got a religious message. I do not care, anyway. Instead, I could not agree more with the title, because once said, words can never be taken back or completely forgotten.
The picture I was looking for before finally chosing the one at the begining was one with an angel flying through the skies, the sight of her back and the entire image coloured of black and white. I haven't been able to find it, but in exchange I got that beauty of blonde angel with only one wing and dark feathers all over. I think the colour of the sky is what made me choose it, if not the fact that the view is from the angel's back.
I want to end with a personal message, the one the song brings out from me every time I listen to it. Life is short, some more than others, and each moment can be perfect to be happy and value what we've got and what we're doing righ then because it can also be the last.