Some say it takes misery and pain to create art. Most believe it, actually.
For me, even though inspiration is always hard to find, it's absolutely impossible when I'm depressed. It's the time when I get back on my feet that helps me put things in perspective and turn my experiences into something beautiful, may it be a drawing, a painting or a short story. That's what always made me believe that I am no artist, but maybe no artist is that way. Maybe they all went through bad times and exploited them through the good ones. Maybe some did.
On the other hand, even if pain is not needed, maybe not being complete is. I write because I seek in my pages the love I can't have in real life. I seek to expose myself to no one and everyone, to have my feelings and thoughts out in the light but never discuss them. I write only to myself, the same way I didn't need to write when I wasn't alone. I'm scared of falling in love because I believe that'll make me less of a writer, but if I stay this way forever I'll likely lose my mind.
I don't know if any of this made sense. I don't care, either.