Mar 6, 2014


Love. L-O-V-E. Amor. What's that?

Constantly saying how much we love this or that, not actually realizing… love, such a powerful and yet underrated word.

I hate the way we are used to it, as if it weren't a big deal. We waste words all the time, but one of the worst things we could possibly do is to throw away the daily "I love you"s. Open your eyes, world, someone is telling you they feel love towards you and you don't even care? And on the other hand, you just go and tell a person you love him/her as if you talked to them about the weather, motionless?

I must confess I'm one of those crazy, romantic girls who loves the idea of being in love. However, I am a bit scared of not recognizing my soulmate when I meet him –or her, though it'd surprise me. In fact, I'm scared that I might not have a soulmate at all. How do you know these things? Does everyone else have the instructions' book of life I'm missing or what?

Oh, whatever. Just take me to Pandora.

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