Apr 17, 2013

Grazie, Rome!

All roads lead to Rome

I am so lucky to say that I have been to Rome almost six amazing days. I had some high expectations on the city of love, but as soon as I got out of the underground and saw the Colosseo, the reality of the dream I was living hit me with all its strengh. I have been to Rome and I still cannot believe it!
The picture was taken by me on Friday morning, after one day of travelling and visitig the city for the first time and another of getting emotional because of certain sight of the Fontana di Trevi.
Re-reading this, I feel so enormously lucky!
These days have offered me an oportunity that everyone deserves, in my opinion. Changing of environment, getting to know more deeply new people and sightseeing one of the most beautiful cities of the world are not enough words to bring you all what I felt while walking around Italy. The professors used to give us some free hours to wander around and buy souvenirs to family and friends, and I also got to drink a delicious and creamy capuccino and a hot chocolate -cioccolatada calda!
The highlight was the first time I got to see the Fontana, my favourite place of Rome without a single doubt. My vision did not get blurred even though I was about to cry, but I still needed a few minutes of total silence until I finally knew I would not drop any tears.
I am aware of the fact that my publications are not  usually like this one, but more of a reflection. Anyway, I wanted to write about this trip because it has been really special to me. The three coins I threw at the Fontana apparently worked out, or at least two of them, and I will always carry with me the people and the memories that Rome gave me.
Grazie per tutto, Roma! See you soon!