Apr 26, 2015

Soon, but not soon enough

An angel has died today
An angel is gone
Grief him with your heart if you may
Or don't grief at all

An angel has died today
An angel is home
Cry to get rid of the pain
And lift up your soul

I said goodbye too soon
But not soon enough
My wings grew strong and fluffy
They lifted me home

Yet my heart refused to leave
To flee the life it had chosen
I left my heart with you
And from the Heavens I'm watching

I promise

I will protect you
You will not ever be alone
I will protect your
Son and your daughter
As if they were my own

We will meet again, soon
But not soon enough
Questions crowd into my head
As to what that moment may be like

Will you remember me?
Will you remember my face?
Will you stretch me into your arms
And hold me to eternity?

Or will your weak, human mind
Forget me?
Will a long and full life be enough to erase me from your thoughts
Or will you, on the other hand, die too soon?

You should not die.
Your soul shall persevere through time and space
For everyone in Earth to know your love and bliss
Still, you were made human; not even I
Can stop fate nor God.

Too beautiful for too little
You are to become an angel by my side
But your dying will come too soon for your family
And not soon enough for me

Enjoy while you can, my dear
Live a full life, the one you deserve
I'll be waiting my turn to enjoy your company again
