Mar 2, 2014

Remembering my true essence

These times I've been way too far from my beloved ones. The love of my life, that miracle I can always rely my happiness on: reading.

First, I got over a very strong prejudice about anime. I didn't understand it, hence I hated it for no reason. One day I just forced myself to watch Death Note, and today I've cried my eyes out while discovering Code Geass' ending. Plus, anime has helped me meet amazing people that love it too.

Then, I got trapped into hundreds of movies and series I wanted to watch, so the inspiration always appeared during my few free minutes – which I used to write until my nails fell from my fingers (not literally, though).

If that's not enough, I also made new friends thanks to college, so my spare time is now non-existent. I seriously need a week or two to disconnect, write, read, swim on a lake and listen to nature. Zen stuff.

I must say, though, that I might not be as relaxed as I'd like but I don't really care because I have never been happier. And the fact that today I ran out of anime, movies and series I wanted to see got me in a negative way at first: I was bored. But then…

Suddenly, a tiny, shy voice whispered: “…what about reading?”

My eyes went to slowmotion and glanced over at the book that was standing on the table at my right. A little smile popped out as I took World War Z and started reading on the point I left it months ago.

Finally the passion's back.

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