Sep 14, 2014

Easy to say, hard to do

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.”

Courage and cowardice, two sides of the same coin. Nobody is only coward or brave, all of us are mixtures of both. Some people are braver, some are more coward, and I had always thought I was in the second group until I realized: you can't be brave if you are not scared.

I'm one of those people who have this terrible fear of being or doing anything wrong. It is really hard for me to accept failure, so the easiest thing is to just not do a thing. There could be no wrongs or rights if I didn't try, but there would be nothing brave about it –nor funny.

A big part of life is about taking risks, and being brave is the best thing that has ever happened to me. It has given me cats, it has taken away the fear of running into animals (dogs more likely) to let me appreciate how beautiful and cute this little friends are. It has taught me that great jokes can come from ignorance. And all that is almost nothing compared to this last thing: being brave has made me realize how much people can like me, even if I'm weird or awkward or clumsy sometimes.

Being brave has given me confidence. And that's why I highly recommend facing your fears.

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